Important Things To Know About LambdaTest

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If you have been testing web applications to ensure that they work well on all types of web browsers, you must already be knowing how important cross-browser testing is. However, if you’re new to this, cross-browser testing involves ensuring that a certain web application performs consistently across different web browsers, retaining all its functionalities.

This helps ensure that users, irrespective of what web browser they use, can visit the web application. There are various cross-browser testing tools, out of which LambdaTest is a popular one. Here’s everything you need to know about LambdaTest and why it is a popular testing tool.

What Is LambdaTest?

A cloud-based cross-browser testing platform, LambdaTest allows testers to run tests on more than 3000 browsers, devices, and OS. This tool gives you the liberty to carry out both manual and automated tests. What differentiates this testing platform from many others out there is that it offers scalability. Being a cloud-based tool, you can carry out the assessment of the software on cloud infrastructure. Cloud technology allows for real-time testing which enables you to check across every browser and device and ensure that the web application is compatible with all of them.

How Does LambdaTest Help?

While a majority of people use some of the most popular web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, different operating systems still support various other browsers, and a certain percentage of the users might be using these lesser-known browsers. To Not make your web application available on these browsers would mean losing a certain percentage of the client base. However, when you use a powerful testing tool such as LambdaTest, you can ensure that the web application runs smoothly on multiple web browsers by allowing you to perform cross-browser compatibility testing. This is because LambdaTest supports almost every browser.

Features of LambdaTest

Some of the major features of LambdaTest that make it such a popular testing tool are as mentioned below

Allows Live Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

One of the distinct features of LambdaTest is that it lets you carry out live testing of cross-browser compatibility. While that in itself is quite beneficial for testers, you can even take screenshots and record your screen. This means you can go for a real-time recording of the browser compatibility testing.

Allows To Test App Responsiveness

Responsiveness is one of the aspects of any web application that decides how the user experiences the app. Responsiveness basically means how the web application fits the screen and whether or not it is easy to navigate on different screen sizes. With the help of LambdaTest Secure Shell Tunnel, you can even check this aspect of your web app.

Visual Testing

Besides responsiveness, another important aspect related to end-user experience is the visual appeal of your web application. While the functions and features of your app matter a lot, so many users are also drawn to applications based on how visually appealing they are. With LambdaTest, you can easily address issues pertaining to various visual aspects such as the position of different elements, size of the icons, text size and fonts, the layout of the app, etc. With LambdaTest, you can perform automated visual regression testing that helps ensure that the layout of your web pages is ideal.

Chrome Extension

LambdaTest can also be used as a chrome extension. This chrome extension of this cross-browser testing tool lets you take screenshots of the entire page. How do these screenshots help? With these screenshots, you can fast-track the cross-browser testing of applications as well as web pages.

Inbuilt Issue Tracker

Most frameworks meant for testing web applications across browsers require the support of third-party management tools. You have to integrate the testing framework with the management tool, which is when the bugs are identified. However, LambdaTest comes equipped with an inbuilt issue tracker which helps with the whole process of tracking and controlling bugs.

Cross-browser testing is an important step that every business must take in order to ensure that their web applications perform well across different platforms. Despite being a critical step, it is a struggle for almost every business as the process can be daunting, time-consuming, and not to mention— expensive. However, when an efficient tool such as LambdaTest is used, the process is quicker, the results are free of inconsistencies, and you don’t have to involve too many experts to perform the task. With various useful features, LambdaTest is an ideal choice if you plan to perform cross-browser compatibility testing.

HomeTechTechnologyImportant Things To Know About LambdaTest